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Alkalizing Forum > How are maine coon cats with other pets?
How are maine coon cats with other pets?
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1 post
Apr 22, 2024
10:45 AM
How are maine coon cats with other pets? main coon for sale
This is hard to answer. Generally, as a breed and given how affectionate they are I would say you have a better chance of a maine coon cat getting along with other pets than a different breed of cat.
But then each one is different and may or may not like any given pet or person. mainecoon kittens sale
Swayer Scott
18 posts
Apr 26, 2024
9:43 AM
Maine Coon cats are generally known for their friendly and sociable nature, which often extends to other pets in the household. big dog t shirts Nevertheless, individual temperament can vary, so it's important to introduce any new pets gradually and under supervision to ensure they get along well.

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